2023 Residents Day
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
8:30 am – 2:15 pm
Los Angeles Convention Center
Room: TBD
Register online for all ACFAS 2023 events, including pre-conference programming.
Sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant:
8:30 am
Check-in/Breakfast Available
9:00 - 9:15 am
Introduction: Rolling Out the Red Carpet
John Martucci, DPM, AACFAS, Moderator
9:15 – 9:35 am
GS1: We Are Family: AC-FAS, AB-FAS, and C-P-M-E!
Roya Mirmiran, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
While a small profession, podiatric medicine has a big family of organizations. In this session, you will be familiarized with all of members. Family must stick together! This talk will help clarify the valuable roles they all will play in your careers.
9:35-10:15 am
GS2: The Simple Rules for Achieving Board Certification
Roya Mirmiran, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
Speaker: Roland Ramdass, DPM, FACFAS
Nobody likes playing by the rules, especially when those rules are coming from your “parents” – or certifying boards. But we’ll keep these simple. Our certifying board in surgery, ABFAS, only has the best interests in mind for us as we grow through our careers. Board certification in foot and ankle surgery is essential in obtaining hospital credentialing and privileging. Most large medical groups demand one obtain board certification prior to offering partnership or the opportunity to become a shareholder. This session will show the areas of deficiencies that most commonly lead to delays, or failures in achieving board certification in foot and ankle surgery. Come learn the simple rules you can use to increase your chances of becoming certified without any grounding by ABFAS along the way.
10:15 – 11:00 am
GS3: May the Force Be with You
John Martucci, DPM, AACFAS, Moderator
Speaker: Ross Taubman, DPM, FACFAS
One must harness the force and be aware of enemy tactics to help navigate the dark galaxy of malpractice. The universe of legal medicine is far too great to comprehend alone. But rest assured, your Jedi is here to help. This session will focus on how to practice medicine aware of the traps that may land you in grips of the Imperial Army.
BREAK – 5 min
SESSION 1: 11:05-11:45 am
1A: Who Ya Gonna Call? To Get Started on Research
Tommy Saing, DPM, Moderator
Speaker: Nicole Cates, DPM, AACFAS
The world of medicine and surgery is adventurous and constantly evolving. If you have an inquisitive mind with a constant craving for solving problems but need help to take your million-dollar idea to the next level, then look no further! We will equip you with all the tools and resources that you need to be an astute scientist so you can develop a strong and sound research question. Grab your Ghostbuster Proton Pack and put your thinking cap on and let’s dive into the world of knowledge and discovery! This session will walk you through the process of taking your great clinical research question and turning it into a project that is worth publishing or into a posterboard that is quality for submission. You will develop a habit of lifelong learning.
1B: The Art of Negotiation: From CVs to Interviews and Contracts
Michael Vaardahl, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
Speakers: Christopher Hood, DPM, FACFAS; Ross Taubman, DPM, FACFAS
As your residency/fellowship comes to completion, the next step is finding a job. Building a CV, communicating with prospective employers, and landing the job are challenges that await the foot and ankle resident. In addition, if negotiating and reviewing the contracts are not done well, this could place the new employee at a great disadvantage. This panel will guide us through the challenges of successfully landing that job and all the challenges that face the new employee.
BREAK – 15 min: snacks/drinks available
SESSION 2: 12:00-12:40 pm
2A: Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Conflict Resolution
Harry Schneider, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
Speakers: Charles Lombardi, DPM, FACFAS; Megan Zainer, DPM
In this session, we will focus on how to deal with internal problems that commonly invade programs. We will discuss pathways and strategies to prepare incoming chief residents to effectively combat these issues as they arise or even to aid in preventing them from occurring at all. Avoid a “Mars Attack” and get peace on earth!
2B: Post-Residency Bazinga: Making the Next Step the Right One
Michael Vaardahl, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
Speaker: Christopher Hood, DPM, FACFAS
Completing residency successfully is only one of the stressful endeavors a podiatry school graduate faces. What follows may be the most complicated undertaking we face in our profession. What type of employment scenario best fits our personality and skills? Is private practice, hospital based, ortho group, multispecialty, or academia the best fit? In addition, maintaining financial wellness throughout residency and post residency and beyond is crucial. Come learn about the “Big Bang Theory” of financial wellness in practice. This lecture will help even the most stressed resident through this difficult pathway.
BREAK – 5 min
SESSION 3: 12:45-1:25 pm
3A: Don’t Be a Dropout: How to Be Cool and Avoid Burnout
John Martucci, DPM, AACFAS, Moderator
Speaker: Allison Ventura, PhD
In today’s world of medicine, the physician and surgeon’s job has been complicated by dealing with countless paperwork, difficult schedules, picky insurances, and demanding patients. Practitioners are constantly racing against the bell and may feel the need to drop out of the professional altogether. In this talk, we’ll explore some ways to make sure you don’t get bullied by these players and stay in school.
3B: Toto, I Have a Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Transitioning from Residency to Practice
Colin Mizuo, DPM, FACFAS, Moderator
Speaker: Shahdaad Saeedi, DPM
Life after residency can be a daunting process if you plan to go straight in to practice whether at a hospital or private office. A new graduate’s attention tends to be consumed with job hunting and relocating, but there are many other things you can do to help set yourself up for success prior to graduating residency that will pay dividends before you leave the wonderful world of Podiatry Oz. Come walk with us on the yellow brick road as we present a broad introduction into charting, common codes, and topics that are often overlooked when starting out. Learn what you can start working on in your final year of residency to help you become more efficient and smooth the transition from residency to practice.
1:25–2:15 pm
Glory Lasts Forever!
John Martucci, DPM, AACFAS, Moderator
Networking lunch and raffle - You can’t win if you don’t play! Stick around till the bitter end, complete your post-event survey and be rewarded accordingly – you’re eligible for amazing door prizes, compliments of our sponsor!
2:15 pm
Hasta La Vista, Baby! Residents Day Ends